Class is offered at a discount of $1400 when paid in full upon enrollment.
Payment Plan is offered as well.
In this DIGITAL/PRE-RECORDED VIDEO of The Intuitive Healing Program: You will heal from past issues and experiences and be better equipped to deal with day-to-day events. Using the tools of this program will strengthen your Intuition and you will find more ease and power in creating life goals and aspirations. At the end of the program you will be certified as an Intuitive Healing Practitioner. You will be able to facilitate healing and also psychically read energy within yourself and others.
This Weekly Program includes:
15 Lectures
Practice Reading & Healings
Examples of 15 Lectures:
Reading the aura-present, past & future
Exploring the chakras
Reading past lives & how they affect you
Cords & Communication
Speaking to beings & spirit guides and how to have them help you
Talking to Dead People
Repairing holes in the aura
How to de-energize life experiences that keep you stuck
Forgiveness & Karma
Access the Akashic records
Out of Body Healing
Deprogramming Yourself
Long Distance Healings
Protecting Yourself
Reading People
Hear Spirits when desired
Learn to heal & read without picking up others’ energies
Enthusiasm, Amusement, and Effortlessness: how to set the crown chakra. (The importance of each as a spiritual vibration for growth and freedom.)
Neutrality and Body of Glass
Clearing a room, house, office space
Perfect Pictures and Resistance
Agreements and Contracts
Families – Contracts and agreements
And Much More
Everyone has intuition. Learn to tap into and develop your own abilities more fully.